Welcome to the twelfth installment of our Forge of Empires Starting Guides. Today, in part 12, we will be taking a look at Events!
In this guide of the Power Start series, we want to demonstrate that events are the most powerful development accelerator for new players.
We show this exemplarily with the Forge Bowl event quest series.
However, what we have shown is equally applicable to all other events.
Many new players think that collecting a number of coins exceeding the daily production volume of their residential buildings by far is a problem.
In this context, we would like to remind you that motivating and polishing your guild members, friends and neighbors should be a very important part of your daily routine in the game.
This earns 50 coins each in the Iron Age for, let’s say, 50 guild members, 50 friends, and 50 neighbors, summing up to a total of 7,500 coins.
That’s already twice as much as the quest asks for.
Many quests require something that we would have done anyway as part of our development. We want to make progress in research.
Why not complete a quest at the same time?
Especially in the first ages, decorations are very small. A 1×1 building always finds a place somewhere.
Don’t forget to tear down the building immediately to avoid wasting help from friends. Then paying coins is no problem. Motivating has brought in enough.
For many new players, it’s the required fights that are a challenge. It’s nice that we are allowed to start with a simple encounter.
Even the auto-combat can manage that. Those who have followed the tips of the PowerStart series so far always have an enthusiastic population anyway.
This then makes the 2nd part of the quest a walkover.
Faced with the choice of having to pay Iron Age iron or only slightly more Bronze Age marble, we naturally opt for marble.
It’s cheaper on balance. In the early ages, very small quantities of goods are required. The production of each city should easily cope with that.
This means that the first milestone is already reached a few minutes after the start of the event.
For recruiting new units we not only have the military buildings but also every small platform in front of a large platform of the guild expedition brings a unit as a reward.
On the one hand, a quest requires collecting the incidents.
On the other hand, these incidents bring additional items for the event. So it pays twice and we would have collected the incidents anyway.
It feels like incidents are always missing when you need them the most. Only a little patience can help.
Of course, we don’t have the alternative solution with the antique dealer in the Iron Age yet. That comes only in the Early Middle Ages.
In fact, it has become tight with supplies at one point. I always build a lot of stock productions, because we usually only start 8-hour productions due to time constraints.
In an emergency, you can switch to 1-hour productions. That delivers then enormously much more.
Infiltrating 3 sectors also helps to fight easier on the province map.
For the many required productions, we have many small forges. These forges are not a forgotten relic from the Bronze Age.
They will accompany us to the highest ages because they are the most space-saving supply production buildings. We will use them again and again in every event.
Whenever goods are to be collected, it is quite enough for the quest to trade them in the market. We need the goods we can’t produce ourselves anyway. Here we then complete a quest even.
Like task 4, task 11 requires the defeat of a small army.
We have two barracks and an archery range. This does not tie up an excessive amount of population and does not take up a lot of space.
We’re sure everyone can manage that in their own town, and it’s enough to always get these easy encounters done promptly.
The horseman and the ballistae come from Guild Expedition rewards.
While the horseman isn’t the ideal cast, as a new player you occasionally simply have to take what you have and not be too picky about it.
Only gross mistakes should be avoided when setting up. Of course, you don’t send light units against heavy units.
With the archers, we use the bonus of the rocks and can defeat the opponent’s heavy units quickly without losing anything. The wounded will recover soon.
We can almost always do 3 battles in the guild expedition.
Then you don’t even have to wait until you have 12 Forge points again to complete the alternative task.
However, collecting the 3,800 supplies is then tied to the production intervals of the buildings. If they are currently in 8-hour production, you have to be patient.
Again, there is the alternative of 7 marble or 5 iron. But marble is in short supply now. Iron has to take its place.
The level of the required battles increases a bit.
A medium-sized army is to be defeated. The combination of soldiers and ballistae is strong, even if we don’t have any combat bonuses yet.
However, it is desirable not to lose ballistae if possible, since they are sparse from the guild expedition. Soldiers, on the other hand, can be produced cheaply.
In the next guide, we will have more quest examples and the choice of the main prize.
Click here to read part 13 of our starting guide series, continuing with Events!
Hi, I’m Lucas – a passionate and experienced Forge of Empires player and the editor here at ForgeofEmpiresTips.com. If I am not playing the game, I am learning more about the game’s new and upcoming features or writing strategy guides here.