Forge of Empires Guild Battlegrounds Update

Welcome to this Forge of Empires Guild Battlegrounds Update – where we would like to introduce you to some important, upcoming changes!

Since their introduction, the guild battlegrounds have been one of the most important game elements in Forge of Empires for ambitious players.

Nowhere can you get more ranking points and rewards.

InnoGames is now going one better and giving the guild battles a fundamental overhaul.

The update has been available on the beta server since today and of course, we played it immediately.

It will certainly take a while until it will be available on all player worlds.

New Map

The most obvious change is the new map.

Alternating fortnightly with the familiar Guild Battlegrounds map, there will now be this new map.

It is based on hexagons.

As a result, the squares have more neighbors, especially the central square in the middle of the map.

This will require more strategy than before.

New Sector Names

The individual sectors have been given new names.

This should make it easier to coordinate attacks and to know which province to take an action against.

Before this update, each province was identified by a letter and a number.

The letter indicated the direction and sector (e.g. D is the north-western sector), and the number of the ring in which the province is located (e.g. 1 is the middle ring).

Only by specifying the name did the sector then become unique.

To make it easier to find the province, a letter was added to indicate the position of the province within the sector and the ring.

Thus the central sector in the middle is always X1X. This central digit becomes larger and larger towards the outside: 2 – 3 – 4 – 5.

The first letter indicates the direction: starting with A at the top and then continuing clockwise in 60-degree increments: B-C-D-E-F.

Since this is only unambiguous in the middle, but there are more and more possible sectors with each ring outwards, these are made unambiguous by the last letter: A-B-C-D

Great Elephant Building Reward

Probably the most impressive innovation is the possible reward – the Great Elephant.

Obviously inspired by the Mughal Empire, this new 4×3 building provides the player with daily coins as well as a permanent increase in the attacking army’s attack bonus in all battles.

Additionally, the guild gets goods and guild power through the building.

Depending on the success of a guild battle, each player gets a certain number of fragments for this new building.

In the Diamond League, for example, each player of the winning alliance gets 78 fragments.

Even players of the possibly relegated last-ranked alliance still get 58 fragments. 200 fragments are needed to construct the building.

With further fragments obtained in this way, upgrade kits could then be created, with which the building could then be upgraded step by step to level 7.

A final further upgrade to level 8 then allows the choice between 3 building variants: Elephant Bazaar, Elephant Citadel and Elephant Royalty.

These have their own priorities in terms of forge points, goods and combat bonuses.

At this level, this is a very desirable building.

In addition, there is a chain building that can be strung together: Iridescent Garden.

Participants in the Diamond and Platinum Leagues can win fragments of the Iridescent Garden in addition to their fragments for the Great Elephant.

With 100 fragments, the Iridescent Garden can be built and with every chain building added, the values of the Great Elephant are improved even more!

So: even more Forge points, goods for the player as well as defence bonus for the attacking army.

In order to better track the progress in the guild battles, the guild menu has been updated.

Track Guilds Success

Now you can also see the guild’s past successes.

This includes a ranking list of all guilds in which you can see the development of your own guild, i.e. the number of victories and guild points.

This list is updated after each guild battleground tournament.

If you move the mouse pointer over the league symbols, the participation of the guild is displayed, i.e. how many battlegrounds your own guild has completed in its respective league.

This information in the guild profile menu is only displayed when your own guild has reached the minimum number of 40 battles or 20 negotiations.

By default, the guild sign is displayed on the map, as well as the marking of which provinces are “target” and which are to be “ignored”.

A button at the bottom left shows the name of the province instead (e.g. E4B) as well as the total number of available building sites.

When a province is conquered, you can see in the combat log on the left edge of the screen which player performed the last action to conquer it.

The guild from which the province was taken is also displayed.

Violation Log

As an additional support for the battlefield managers, a violation log has been introduced.

This names players who have carried out an action against an “ignored” province.

It is then possible to specifically address these players to comply. However, it will still be possible to ignore the defaults, which can occasionally be quite important.

The rules for battles, attrition and guild advancement and relegation will remain unchanged.

So the update will have no influence on the possible number of fights.

So with this update comes a completely new map, new reward buildings and more ease of use!

This will give the guild battles even more pep. Have fun – and just as important: good luck!